Developing telemedicine and psychological health for key populations: the road to universal coverage in the context of December 12

The UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage, held on September 21, 2023, reaffirmed that healthy people are the foundation of healthy societies and economies and that universal health coverage (UHC) is key to achieving all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). And yet:

– Half of the world’s population lacks access to basic health services.

– An estimated 2 billion people face financial hardship related to health care costs, including 344 million people living in extreme poverty.

– Since the launch of the SDGs in 2015 – even before the COVID-19 pandemic – the expansion of health coverage has stalled and financial protection has deteriorated. The pandemic further set countries back on the path to universal health coverage. It also showed why UHC is so important.

December 12 stands out as Universal Health Coverage Day, emphasizing the importance of equitable access to health services. In light of this event, telemedicine services, as well as, psychological health services for key populations, such as people living with HIV, also become particularly important. 

Telemedicine services for patients from key populations have become a key tool for maintaining regular medical follow-up. The World Health Organization reports that over 60% of countries have provided telemedicine consultations for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the past year. For example, in the United States, where telemedicine is growing rapidly, over 70% of the PLHIV community used virtual counseling in 2022, reducing the need for regular face-to-face visits. In some African countries, such as South Africa and Kenya, telemedicine services are becoming an important tool for ensuring the continuity of HIV treatment.

The development of psychological health services through telemedicine is coming to the forefront given the growing need for support. According to the World Federation for Mental Health, more than 40% of countries have implemented telepsychiatric programs in 2022 alone.

In the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region, where access to mental health care has traditionally been limited, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have successfully implemented telepsychiatry projects, providing mental health support for various groups, including people with HIV. In Ukraine, telemedicine services are also actively developing. According to reports from Ukrainian health authorities, in 2022, more than 50% of patients with HIV have used online counseling. This includes psychiatric programs, which become extremely important in the context of social and economic challenges.

Civic organizations are actively promoting telemedicine and psychological support for representatives of key groups in the region. Their work is aimed at educating the population on the use of technology and helping to eliminate social stigma around HIV and mental disorders.Universal coverage is not only a medical standard but also a demonstration of care for every person in the world. Each of us has different health needs. But everyone needs quality health care. Always and everywhere. And the development of telemedicine and psychological health services for vulnerable groups plays an important role in achieving universal health coverage.

Mental health in the context of gender-based violence: caring for key populations

Mental health and gender-based violence are closely linked, and problems in this area have a serious impact on the lives of many people. Gender-based violence, including physical, emotional, and sexual violence, can leave lasting effects on the mental health of survivors.

First and foremost, it is important to realize that gender-based violence affects people of all genders, but women and girls are more likely to be survivors. Globally, an estimated 736 million women – nearly one in three – have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner, sexual violence by a stranger, or both, at least once in their lives. It not only disrupts their physical well-being but also has a serious impact on their mental health. Survivors of gender-based violence can experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety disorders, and other serious mental health issues.

It is important to recognize that gender-based violence has additional impacts on key populations. People living with HIV may face additional levels of stress and stigmatization. Sex workers are at risk of physical and emotional violence, requiring specific support approaches. People who use drugs are often at the center of interrelated issues of gender-based violence and addiction.

Psychosocial support for these groups must be comprehensive and tailored to their unique needs. This includes psychotherapeutic counseling, group support, access to health services, and the creation of a safe environment for survivors. It is also important to conduct educational programs aimed at preventing gender-based violence and changing attitudes in society, and these should include not only treatment and prevention but also mental health considerations. It is also important to create safe spaces and combat stigma to ensure effective support.

The 16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence campaign encourages society to pay attention to these issues and provide support to survivors. It serves not only as a platform to highlight the issue but also as a catalyst for changes in public perception and support, as stigma and negative attitudes towards survivors of gender-based violence can exacerbate their mental health. Working with key groups plays an important role in creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all.

If you or your loved ones need qualified help and psychological support – do not delay in contacting the experts at the specialized portal of online services help24. You can make an appointment for a free consultation at any convenient time.

Gratitude as a mind workout: elevating mood, reducing stress, and strengthening the heart

Psychotherapists emphasize the importance of consciously expressing gratitude as an effective way to improve mental health and overall well-being. Focusing on positive aspects of life helps restore balance, reduce stress and anxiety, and develop resilience. This “heavyweight training for the brain”, as it’s called, provides unique opportunities for enhancing psychological well-being.

Whether practiced individually, with family, or with friends, regular engagement in this practice makes positive moments more noticeable in everyday life. It helps establish a positive perception of the world and enriches relationships with others.

Instead of traditional New Year’s resolutions related to diet and physical activity, consider gratitude as a new alternative for improving overall well-being in the upcoming year. This simple and cost-free practice requires minimal effort to start and can bring about significant changes in mental health.

Anthony Rella, a mental health consultant, describes gratitude as a brain workout that can slow it down and redirect focus towards the positive aspects of life. Research confirms the benefits of this practice; a 2021 meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Depression and Anxiety found a connection between gratitude levels and lower depression rates.

Additionally, patients with heart failure who kept a gratitude journal demonstrated improvements in inflammation biomarkers and heart rate frequency, indicating positive effects on heart health and overall physical well-being.

Initiating a gratitude practice is straightforward; you can keep a journal, use dedicated apps, or simply share your thoughts with friends. Being specific in expressing gratitude and reflecting on details enhances the effectiveness of this practice. Gradually, with increased frequency, you’ll discover more reasons to be grateful, contributing to improved psychological well-being and inner resilience.

If you or your loved ones need qualified help and psychological support – do not delay in contacting the experts at the specialized portal of online services help24. You can make an appointment for a free consultation at any convenient time.