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Emergency Response Project, HelpNowHUB

#HelpNowDE hub targets IDPs from Ukraine who need ART, RT, TB, or viral hepatitis treatment.

Our main objective is to create a well-established “patient – request – received care” system that will be as simple, transparent, and understandable as possible.

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The main areas of service work of the "Help Now Germany" project:

Redirection to a doctor

We provide consultations on art, OST, TB, and viral hepatitis treatment;
Refer patients to the nearest doctor (family doctor or infectious disease doctor) for consultation, conducting the necessary examinations, obtaining prescriptions for drugs;

Patient Integration

We integrate patients into the medical and social system of Germany (consultations on obtaining medical insurance);


We provide translation services (online) during a visit to a doctor and translation of necessary medical documents; we coordinate communication with Ukrainian doctors to obtain information on treatment in Ukraine (OST, ART, TB, hepatitis);


We provide remote support during the treatment process and help to receive medicines in a timely manner;


Provide information about HIV service organizations in Germany and direct them to the nearest place of residence;

Psychological support

We provide psychological support online, both individually and in groups. You can consult a psychologist on the following issues:
Difficulties in adapting to new living conditions;
Anxiety, panic attacks, depressive state; Conflicts with loved ones;
Suicidal thoughts or intentions;
Feeling of loneliness, devastation and loss of meaning;
Emotional burnout;

For OST patients

- looking for a doctor to prescribe OST and refer to a doctor;
- online support for OST patients at the beginning of therapy;
- referral to OST services and patient support services

Women's Club

We also offer to take part in psychological support groups and meetings of the Women's Club:
We support the work of the Women's Club “You + Me”.
We have a chat for patients;

Psychological aid

Online consultation with a psychologist and participate in group classes, and webinars;

Use #HelpNow Service

We fully maintain the confidentiality of medical information.

Posts by topic:

15 травня біля Бранденбурзьких Воріт у Берліні (Німеччина) відбулася офіційна акція, присвячена Всесвітньому Дню пам’яті людей, які померли від СНІДу

В акції прийняли участь українські біженці, які живуть з ВІЛ, та внаслідок російської агресії вимушено залишили свою країну і тимчасово проживають у Німеччині, представники українських,

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